Weight Loss Journey
Client Story
Eat Well, Lose Weight

Losing Weight with One You Lincolnshire - Carol's Story

June 10, 2022

The small changes Carol made to lose 20lb in 12 weeks

Carol Before and After

Today we hear from Carol, who after making changes to her lifestyle has lost a remarkable 9.3% of her body weight with One You Lincolnshire.

Read on to hear about Carol's goals, challenges and the changes she's made that has left her feeling happier and healthier.

How did you hear about One You Lincolnshire?

"I heard about One You Lincolnshire through the nurse at our surgery when I had an appointment with her. We discussed my weight gain and she suggested trying One You Lincolnshire and she proceeded to refer me."

Describe your journey with One You Lincolnshire

"After my initial phone call I then looked forward to commencing the programme. I completed a weekly chart where I recorded food, drinks, activity and sleep. I found this helpful and recorded everything on there. This helped in keeping me focused and mindful in achieving my goal. I cooked from scratch, joined the gym and participated in activities such as gardening, walking more and attending my local Pilates class. I also began looking at food labels to check the fat, sugar and salt content we'd discussed in our weekly zoom meetings."

What support did you receive?

"I received support from our practitioner and I attended her weekly zoom meetings and I made sure I never missed one. I was given a workbook to record my progress and I would ensure this was completed every week for when my practitioner would ask for my update. My practitioner would also send text messages with advice or to see how I was doing. I was also told I could ring her if I needed to. The zoom exercise class was also good, starting off gently and slowly progressing over the weeks to being a bit more of a challenge, this was done for half an hour each week and I also found this informative with other options being offered in order to complete the exercise. I also found it helpful from others of the group I was in sharing things during our weekly zoom meetings and our WhatsApp group."

What were your barriers?

"My barriers were not being tempted to eat the grandchildren's sweets. Monitoring my portion sizes of foods I especially enjoy. Trying not to let the miserable weather put me off exercising or participating in an activity. Some times it felt like I didn't have enough hours to fit things in, so I became more organised in order to achieve my goals."

What were your goals?

"My goals were to get healthier, lose weight, feel fitter and happier. I wanted to cut back on my snacking which I did and I ensured I ate 3 meals a day."

What positive changes have you made?

"I make sure I eat more fruit and veg. My sleep pattern has improved, I drink more water or sugar free squash and my skin looks better.

I have continued with my exercise and am currently looking for a second hand bike to introduce another form of exercise. I also do YouTube exercise videos and I've done the One You Lincolnshire online exercise classes."

Anything else:

"Whilst it was good to see the scales moving, I also measured myself every so often and kept a record so I could monitor the progress which in turn kept me motivated. My practitioner told me when I'd reached my 3% and 5% weight loss target and that was good to hear. Comments from family and friends when they started to notice some changes, I found it also helped with my motivation and boosted my confidence to keep going.

When I last visited the physiotherapist he was pleased with my progress re my osteoarthritis in my knees. He told me to keep doing what I was doing as losing weight has eased the pressure on my knees and my plantar fasciitis had also gone.

Like One You Lincolnshire recommends... move more, eat less and you will see results and feel happier! Believe in yourself, you can do it and you'll benefit from your energy levels improving."

Inspired by Carol's story? Check out the support we can offer: Eat Well and Lose Weight.

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