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Allan's Story - Man V Fat Football

February 23, 2022

Allan's story losing weight, confidence, award nominations & charity runs.

This week we speak to Allan, a member of Grantham's ManVFat Football Club who has achieved amazing weight loss, joined a supportive and encouraging community of likeminded men, received nominations for a National ManVFat Most Active Award and completed various charity runs - now he has new goals in sight! Read on to hear Allan's Story.

How did you hear about MAN v FAT Football? 

I was scrolling through Facebook one day and saw an advert.

Describe your journey with MAN v FAT Football? 

It’s been incredible. Seeing everyone else’s fantastic efforts has spurred me on. My confidence is still low but its getting better all thanks to my amazing teammates.

What support did you receive?  

The coach has been great. First we had Luke and now Jake. Both awesome coaches. All the players encourage each other. It really is a great community!


What were your barriers? Or Challenges?

Keeping the motivation. That’s the part that’s always let me down the many times I’ve tried to lose weight before. My motivation this time comes from my grandads death. That’s how I know now that I won’t lose it.


What were your goals at the beginning of the programme? 

I’d been losing weight for a while before I started Man V Fat. My goal with Man V Fat was to continue doing that. 6st lost now and I feel fantastic for it!

I also wanted to do as much for charity as I could. I’ve done 6 races so far for various charities.

What are your goals now?

To motivate others as much as I can. To be someone that people look up to in the league. I want to be a leader.

I should also find out soon if I’m in the London marathon so that’s a big goal of mine and I also want to do a Tough Mudder at some point.


What has been your biggest achievement?

Being nominated for a Man V Fat national award. That was a special feeling as it was voted by the players.

What advice would you give to anyone who is unsure about joining?

Do it. It’ll be the best thing you’ve done to lose weight. I was unsure when I started. I absolutely love it now!

What incredible achievements from Allan! We wish you every success for the future in completing your next goals of the London Marathon and Tough Mudder.

If you feel inspired by Allan's story and are thinking about joining a Man V Fat Football Club yourself, visit their site to check your eligibility and sign up today.

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