Often we concentrate on the beginning of the quit journey and on how the first 12 weeks are the most important time in the stop smoking process, but what is it like after a year of being a non smoker?
Our Stop Smoking Practitioner, Kirsty, had a one year catch up with two of our Stop Smoking Clients; Darren and Thomas - Here's what they had to say about being smoke free one year on.

Darren's quit date was 1st December 2019! He has not smoked a single one since,
Darren, what impact has not smoking had on you?
Breathing is the biggest thing as it affects me daily - I'm no longer waking up wheezing.
What tips would you share with people contemplating giving up?
Don't be afraid to ask for help - I don't think I would have done it without support - it really helped me and I wasn't lectured at all, it was very supportive.
What have been the health benefits?
Breathing, as mentioned above.
Have there been any wealth benefits too?
I have managed to save some money which is great and a lovely bonus.
Have you seen a difference in other areas?
Definitely on the social side of things- when I am out with non smokers, I no longer have to think about going out to smoke or smoking around them and it blowing towards them. No longer have to think like that, I can just enjoy the evening.
How have you found the experience of quitting one year on?
Amazing experience strangely enough. Even though it wasn't easy, it has given me the confidence that even after smoking for 30 years, I could achieve it if I put my mind to it. Having a positive attitude definitely helps.
Would you recommend us to your friends?
Yes definitely.

Thomas has also been quit now for a year...
Thomas, what impact has not smoking had on you?
The biggest thing is my fitness and I now have more time with my partner by not going out to smoke all the time (she's also very proud of me!)
What tips would you share with people contemplating giving up?
To stay away from triggers to begin with until you have the quit under control - eg stay away from alcoholic drinks and socialising until not smoking becomes more normal.
What have been the health benefits?
Main thing is my fitness has improved - also I am more interested in food as it tastes so much better and I can now enjoy it more.
Have there been any wealth benefits too?
I have managed to save money
Have you seen a difference in other areas?
There are no more lingering smells anymore both in the house and on my clothes.
How have you found the experience of quitting one year on?
Can't believe it's gone so quick and also can't imagine being a smoker now.
Would you recommend us to your friends?
Yes and I have done already!
If you would like to become a non smoker and enjoy the freedom and health that comes with that, we can support you every step of the way. Sign up here
The information and advice within this blog are not intended to replace any medical advice, with all our clients we seek to address their individual needs and circumstances - this includes any adaptations required for long- or short-term health conditions and medications. Please seek medical advice if you have any health conditions before considering a lifestyle change. If you would like to address any of the content of this blog, please email us.