A Brief Guide to the Referral Criteria for Each Pathway.
Our four pathways of Move More, Eat Well, Drink Less and Stop Smoking are offered across the whole of Lincolnshire. Each pathway has specific referral criteria to make sure we are supporting those who need it most.
Clients can refer themselves into the pathways Here and Health Care Professionals can either refer in through SystmOne and Emis referrals templates, or through our Health Care Professionals Portal on our website – Here.
The criteria for each of the pathways
Move More – This pathway is for adults (18+) who are currently doing LESS than 150 Minutes (2.5hours) of moderate physical activity per week. Moderate physical activity is defined as exercising and slightly being out of breath or beginning to perspire. Clients can access this pathway once per year if needed.
Eat Well, Lose Weight – This pathway is for adults (18+) who have a BMI of 30+,(BAME 27.5) and are motivated to lose weight. We are NOT commissioned to work with people who are underweight or have a BMI lower than 27.5. Clients can access this pathway once per year if needed.
Drink Less – This pathway is for adults (18+) who are drinking more than 14 units per week. This is not a rehabilitation service, for clients who are drinking a lot more than 14 units and have a dependency we recommend a referral into We Are With You (link). Clients can access this pathway once per year if needed
Stop Smoking – This pathway is for people aged 12+ who are currently smoking tobacco products. We can support clients should a relapse occur as many times as they need until they have successfully quit.
To refer patients in to the service you only need to know which pathway they would like to access, you don't need to decide which pathway programme to recommend, our Triage team will assess the individual needs of each client and recommend accordingly.